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What’s Your Child’s Learning Style?

Visual, auditory, kinesthetic… or all of the above?

Would your child rather read a book or listen to the audio version? Do math or martial arts? Design a poster or participate in a debate?

Parents often pick up on their children’s learning preferences at a young age but may find that they change, blend or expand over time. Your intuition, combined with teacher observations, count for a lot. Understanding how your child learns best from an early age can help ease frustration, enhance their learning experience, and set them up for success — from preschool through elementary, from middle school through college.

What is a learning style, exactly?

It is the preferred way a child or adult perceives, processes and retains new information. To put it more simply, it’s the way you prefer to learn. Researchers recognize three primary learning styles — visual, auditory and tactile/kinesthetic — in addition to the traditional “read and write.”

Most people use a combination of styles. Some people have a dominant style of learning, with minimal use of other styles. Learning styles are not set in stone. You can develop ability in less dominant styles, as well as further develop styles that you already use well.

While children use all of their senses to take in information, they have preferences in how they learn best. In order to help students learn, teachers and parents should teach to as many of these preferences as possible.

Quiz: “What Is My Child’s Learning Style?”

Your young learner might already show a preference for learning in a specific way, or you might notice that certain approaches don’t seem to work. This quiz from the Early Moments™ blog will give you some insight into your child’s learning style. Keep in mind that learning style preferences can change over time as your child grows. Some of us even have more than one learning style.

Click here to take the What Is My Child’s Learning Style? Quiz.

A visual learner can develop reading and writing skills by working with pictures and a movable alphabet. 

Tips for Parents: Visual, auditory and kinesthetic preferences

Most people are fairly balanced in their learning styles, depending on the task and material. Here are some ideas to help your child learn:

Visual preference:

Auditory preference:

Colorful math mats in the hallways allow Inly students with a kinesthetic preference to learn math facts while they move.

Hands-on (tactile / kinesthetic) preference:

No matter what the results of this quiz, keep in mind that research tells us a multi-sensory approach to teaching early reading skills is the most successful—so asking children to see, hear and do while they learn is most likely to be effective.

What are the benefits of understanding learning styles?

By recognizing and understanding a child’s learning styles, teachers can use techniques better suited to them. This improves both the quality and speed of their learning. As a parent, this applies to everyday lessons you teach your child at home as well.

The more parents know about their child’s primary learning style, the more they’re able to be a partner in their child’s education. If your child is struggling to grasp a concept in their homework, you can challenge them to look at the problem in a way that aligns with how they learn best. You can also use your knowledge of a child’s learning style to help ignite their innate curiosity about the world around them.

This is the first in our series on Learning Styles and Preferences. Stay tuned for posts on topics such as:

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